WFMT 2023
This year's annual fashion show of the National Academy of Tailors, was held within the 39th congress of the World Federation of Master Tailors, which took place from July 31, 2023, to August 5, 2023, in Biella, with a full calendar of events and meetings.
Forbici d'Oro
Stile Sartoriale featured the Forbici d'oro 2023 competition, directed by Maestro Mario Napolitano and sponsored by Lanificio Ermenegildo Zegna & Figli, in which a mixed jury composed of great national masters and great international tailors, showcased the dresses of the competition finalists who worked intensively for five days at the Accademia Nazionale dei Sartori in Rome.
Master Mario Napolitano, Director of the competition and Honorary President of WMFT, awarded Lorenzo Macchiaroli, an alumnus of the school of the National Academy of Tailors with the Ditale d'oro for the dress made with the best sewing technique. The Gesso d'oro award for the dress made with the best cutting technique was then presented to Ivan Americano by Biella Councilor Barbara Greggio. Winner of the Forbici d'oro Award 2023 is An Seungjin, awarded by Alessio Ferracin of Lanificio Ermenegildo Zegna & Figli, the official sponsor of the competition.
An Seungjin is the winner of the Forbici d'oro 2023
Lorenzo Macchiaroli is the winner of the Ditale d'oro 2023
Ivan Americano is the winner of the Gesso d'oro 2023

The Meetings
On Wednesday, August 2, 2023, the Master Tailors discussed their respective visions of tailoring and passionately participated in the discussion on the future of the association. The theme of the conferences focused on the thousand faces of bespoke tailoring: the Master Tailors discussed about their vision of the sartorial world and the future of the WFMT. The speeches on the different interpretations of tailoring by Franz Botré, editor-in-chief of Arbiter, German writer Bernhard Roetzel, author of The gentleman The manual of male elegance, and Fabio Attanasio, entrepreneur and author of the Scent of Tailoring necklace, aroused considerable interest.
Sustainability was another of the topics addressed in the conference during the fourth day; the congress highlighted how tailoring has always been the most sustainable fashion sector. Representatives from leading companies in Biella then spoke, presenting their sustainability initiatives for environmental and social responsibility, focusing on the enhancement of the area's textile heritage. The conferences focused on One Art, Different Interpretations: international tailoring as told by experts and The Sustainability of Tailoring.
The Gala Night
On the evening of Friday, August 4, the International Fashion Show was held in Cisterna Square, featuring one hundred sartorial gowns and dresses from all over the world.
A small selection of the beautiful clothes made by the Academic Master Tailors. Over 100 artifacts, for men and women. Italian haute couture once again demonstrated its great abilities.